Thursday, April 29, 2010

Massive Update Jan-April

WOW.  Its been forever since I last posted.  But now that I have some spare time, I am going to try and do a massive update.  We shall see how that goes, if not I shall be back again with the rest of the update :)
  First and foremost WE HAD OUR BABY!!!! YAY!  Brent Aiden Hinkson arrived on February 15, 2010 at 446pm.  He was 6 pounds 13 ounces and 20 inches long.  He arrived a month early, but we only spent 3 days in the hospital.  The weekend before, I was really dizzy and nauseated.  After not being able to eat or drink all day, I finally called my friends to take me to the hospital since Truman was out and I could not get ahold of him.  I got there and basically they said I was really dehydrated and that elevated mine and Brent's heart rate and my blood pressure.  After 10 hours or so there, they sent me home.  I was only dialated a fingertip when they checked...but they accidently stripped my membrane (sorry tmi, but they did).  On tuesday at my regular checkup, I was dialated to a 1, but other than that, I was completely fine and everything was back to normal.  The following weekend, on Saturday, my mom called from El Paso, she was looking at stroller and crib that she ended up buying for me, and I told her I was having contractions, but nothing major.  She asked if she needed to come back, and I told her that I didnt think it was anything since I was 35 weeks.  On Sunday, we went to church, and I told Truman after about 20 minutes there that I felt irritated at everyone, and that my back hurt.  So he took me back home and I got in pjs and rested all day. I could not sleep because I was having irregular contractions, and I drank tons of water to see if it would help.  I couldnt sleep really, so I just layed on the couch.  When it was time to go to bed, I still could not seem to get comfortable, but it seemed normal to me, so I just slept off and on.  At 430 AM, my eyes popped open and I felt liquid inside me and I did not want to get it on the bed, but I still thought nothing of it.  I walked to the bathroom and as seconds before I pulled my pants down, I felt the gush of liquid come out.  As I looked at my pants, it was clear, and I thought to myself, well I didnt pee....and then instantly I knew my water broke.  I sat on the toilet trying to comprehend what was going on, because you see, my birth plan was to have contraction, KNOW i was in labor, and go to Fort Stockton (an hour away) and labor at a friends, til it was time to go to the hospital.  But this, this was not what I was expecting.  I still had 4 weeks til my due date, my water broke, and I wasnt having any contractions.  I thought the water broke, and then soon the baby arrived (since I was early, I had not gotten to the chapter on the different scenarios of how labor starts in my Bradley Method book, so I was scared we werent going to make it the hospital).  I sat on the toilet and realized I should tell Truman.  All this mind you went through my mind in a matter of seconds, and by the time I started calling Truman from the bathroom, I had just sat down on the toilet.  Truman is a very sound sleeper.  I have to shove him or shake him to wake when I need something, so him hearing me from the bathroom, well he needed some extra help.  So I started to call his name, but since I was in a little shock from what was going on I was barely calling out his name.  From Truman's point of view, he was in a deep sleep.  All of a sudden he heard his mom Kim (who passed away when Truman was 5) tell Truman to get up.  When he awoke he said he could barely hear me calling him.  He ran to the bathroom and he was wide awake.  I looked up at him and told him, I think my water broke, I didnt pee.  *I have to laugh now.  I didnt pee.  hehe.  I then got up and and he asked me what we should do.  I contemplated going to the hospital here because my water broke and we had an hour drive, and we had NOTHING ready.   I told him we were going to make the hour drive.  I called my mom, and told her, she started getting ready.  I called the hospital and told them we were on our way.  Truman got dressed and asked me what he needed to get.  I didnt know, I was not packed and I was going to get my hospital bag ready the next day at 36 weeks, since that is when it is reccomended ( I will now have my bags packed at 30 weeks just in case, and just switch clothes out every week or so to freshen them, but I will be ready next time.)  I just looked at him and said lets just get my purse.  Luckily though, on the way out he grabbed the carseat.  We got in the car, and rounded the corner and my brothers and mom were standing outside by their cars.  My brother is a Firefighter/EMT so he asked if I was contracting, I said no, but he didnt like that we were driving an hour at 445 AM and cell service is none between here and there.  But I was going to.  My mom told us she would follow us and to put the hazards on and drive fast.  We took off.  We said a prayer on the way and I told Truman to put on my Twilight cd.  I put my chair back and started to listen to the music.  My body shook with nervousness, but also excitement.  I was nervous because I was only 35 weeks and 6 days and because I was going to give birth soon and that meant that Brent would be here soon.  The drive did not seem long at all.  We got to the hospital and Truman parked the car and ran in to get a nurse and wheel chair.  I got out and as I stood up, more fluid came out.  I started walking towards the entrance to Truman and the nurse.  We got checked in and they wheeled me to my room.  I got hooked up to an IV, yuck, it took them about 5 tries, but they finally got it. They wanted to start me on pitocin since my contractions where 5 mins apart but not anything that was bad.  I did not know they had hooked me up to it, and when Truman realized this, he went and told them to take it off, because that is not what I wanted.  My wonderful husband, he remembered what I wanted and did not want.  So I labored on my own, and told them I did not want pain meds either.  By the way we got there at 6 and I was still a 1, by 8 am I was a 3, by 10 I was at a 8 and by 11 I was 91/2.  I was able to walk in the morning but then I felt more comfy in bed.  They told Truman that Brent would be here around 1PM.  I was contracting pretty heavily through the morning, nothing terribly bad, I just wanted silence and not to be touched.  By 1, they asked if I was ready to push, I said no.  But when I was alone, I was pushing, my mom asked if I was pushing and I would tell her no.  I just didnt want the doctor or nurses around me at that moment.  So I would push everynow and then to see.  According to Truman, I made him fan me for 3 hours straight.  When he went to change hands, I snapped at him to keep going.  For my mom I had her read the contraction thing.  I wanted her to tell me when they were going away.  When she started saying I was having one, I snapped at her and told her I only wanted to know when they were going away (but even when they did I had the constant one).  I would aske her is it going away yet? So apparently she fibbed and would tell me it was going down, but motioned to Truman that it was going up. No wonder when she said that I thought this is hurting more not going away.  But I never yelled or anything.  I was just quiet and groaned a bit during the parts that were bad.  It felt like menstrual cramps times 5.  I have some pretty bad ones, like take 12 Aleve a day kind.  But I knew, I did not want any pain meds for this.  By 3 they said they HAD to put me on pitocin, so at 315 they did.  My fault I think.  If I would have pushed and showed them I could, then I think I could have avoided that.  The pitocin brought on stronger contractions, and a constant one that would not sway on top of having the regular every 3 mins ones.  By 4 the doctor came in and said OK Vanessa you are ready to push, I know you are.  I knew I was holding off pushing.  So we started the process, and I pushed.  I would push but not with the contractions.  It hurt more to push with them.  So I would pretend that I was getting nauseated during the contraction and then push after.  Then they said to push with this contraction and I said I wasnt having one.  Then I would let it pass and push.  Im so bad, lol.  THey said YOU ARE HAVING ONE, so push.  I said no I wasnt, and I didnt.  Finally I peeked out at my doctor and he has his arms cross and was sitting back in his chair kinda grumpy looking.  The times I did push, Truman would say he's crowning! I can see him!  And then BRent would slide back in and there was nothing.  Finally at 430, I decided to push WITH the contractions.  I pushed.  A nurse on my left had one leg, and Truman had the other.  My mom was at my head telling me to push.  3 pushes and Brent slid out.  446 PM, Brent was born.  I cried, my mom told me he was a good size.  Brent fussed a bit as the doctor suctioned his mouth and nose.  They put him on my abdomen, and I was in love.  I cried some more, and then they took him to the incubator and cleaned him.  I looked over and my mom and Truman were standing there with Brent.  It was a beautiful picture.  According to my mom, Truman excalimed HE has a CONE head!  My mom shushed him because she didnt want him to alarm me and because she said we still have to love him hehe.  I never saw his cone head. Even after they gave him back to me, and the days following.  Looking at the video now, I can see it.  But never saw it then.  We were put in our room, and by wednesday we were released.  Nothing was wrong with BRent.  He was healthy.  But that friday, after looking at him and thinking he was a bit yellow, and getting his blood tested we were back in the hospital til Sunday for jaundice.  Saturday was my baby shower, and I cried a bit while I was there, because Brent was in the hospital with Truman.  Truman told me to go for a bit because I needed to.  I had fun seeing friends, but my mind was on Brent the whole time.  After that, on sunday we went home and never went back to the hospital.  He is now 2 and 1/2 months old.  I can not believe how time flies.  It is amazing. I also cant believe how blessed we are to have him in our lives.  I also cant believe I am a mommy.  Its so amazing.  He just recently had his 2 month shots and check up and he was 10 pounds 15 ounces and 22 3/4 inches long.  Tall and lean they said.  He brings such joy into our lives.  We love him so much!  And I love my husband.  He was a great coach, and such a great daddy. 
    In March, Truman won his job back.  Whoo hoo!  We were stationed in Fort Stockton.  So back to Fort Stockton we have to move.  Today we found out he starts May 9th.  I have been looking for a place there, and there seems to be nothing.  It sucks. But we will be fine.  Eventually we hope to transfer to Washington state.  There is also a possibility of New York, or Pennsylvania.  We shall see.  I want Washington.LOVE that place.  Many thanks to our wonderful lawyer Jay, and our family and friends who helped and stayed by us through this.  We were blessed with many new friends in all this and with experiences and many other things that have made us grow. 
   Pepper and Rosco passed away during this process.  (Rosco only a few days ago, due to we believe, depression.  We would bring him over sometimes, but because he was so attached to us, and only wanted us since he was abused when he was little, I think he got depressed from what our friend has told us he started acting the last few weeks, and especially after we would drop him back off).  We will miss them both terribly, but we will remember the time we had with them.  Thank you Cody for taking such great care of Rosco for us.  Only 9 more days if he would have made it out, and we couldhave brought him back home, but Rosco did not know or understand.  But he is loved and was loved.  For Rosco's death, we are not mad, just sad.  It was no one's fault. 
   In April, on the 11th, we had Brents blessing day.  Trumans step mom and dad came down and we enjoyed a great 3 day visit with them.  It was great to get to know them more and to spend time with them.  I am glad they got to see Brent as a baby, that way when we make a trip up there sometime this year, they can see hwo much he has grown :)  The blessing that Truman gave was amazing, and so touching.  He also got a blessing from his Grandpa, and well that was amzing too.  So many things came out from that, that we are just in awe for what is in store.  Truman also had a talk in church and he did really well too.  He is such a great guy.  I love him.
  Well Brent is stirring and will be up soon.
  I have lost my camera cord, so I have tons of pictures from before Brent was born til now, but I cant dl pics atm, but hopefully soon with packing I can find it.  I know there are more updates and such to share, but I need to get going with the day.  Love to all, and sorry for such a long post, especially the birthing story, but I wanted to record it, since I hadnt yet, and now I have.  Love to you all.