Tuesday, December 15, 2009

27 weeks, a new place, and no net

As the title says, the aboved mentioned are the most notable things that have happened.  I am 27 weeks! Wowsers! 91 days to go, 13 weeks to go, and that is not long at all! I had my gestational diabetes test done last thursday, and so far no call from the doctor so that is good news!  No call she said will mean that I dont have it and I dont have to do an appointment with her before the 29th (the next regular baby apt).  I do tell you though, that from that dreary thursday morning, I, Vanessa Hinkson, will NOT be drinking ANYTHING of Orange carbonated beverage type (Fanta, SunKist...etc), or orange sherbert.  After that pure sugary, orange beverage that I was forced to keep in my aching tummy all morning long, was the most horrible tasting orange thing ever!  Later that day I went to go eat at Panda's and I had orange sherbert for dessert and well half a taste was all I could afford before making myself sick.  So I am veering on the safe side of no orange carbonated beverages or sherbert, or possibly anything orange tasting unless I proceed with caution.  Orange juice has been okay, but thats about it.  And as for baby....our Baby Brent....he has been a wonderful little tenant.  There are times where I am jeered out of quietness or a meditation zone with his sudden kicking or tumbling, but I smile after I am shocked with the suddeness of the movement when I realize its him.  And yes, we, Truman and I, have finally decided on his name.  For the longest time, we hoped for a girl because we agreed on 2 names and knew we would use one of them now for a girl and later for the other.  We both loved Emma Marie, and Katelyn.  I thought that for a girl, it would be so wonderful to come up with a name that had the letters from both of our moms in it.  And so with Kimberly and Cynthia, I scrambled and scrambled to come up with a name, or a few names at least and I did.  Aryn (Erin), Erin, Katelyn, Caitlyn, and I think that was about it.  But we both fell in love with Katelyn.  And Emma was just too cute as well.  So we had these names agreed upon and hoped for a girl since all boy names we both loved, the other did not.  So it took us a good month to come up with something that we could both love.  Brent Aiden.  Truman came up with Brent for his mission president that he was really fond of (he is on the wiki website, he came to the wedding).  And for me, I wanted to continue a tradition my mom did with me.  She named me Vanessa from her favorite soap opera that she would watch with her grandmother.  And for me, the one that I watch, then stop, then watch, and am currently not watching because the main character that I loved left the show, but it was All my children.  And the two guys that I liked to be with Greenlee was Ryan and Aiden.  BTW, I love the name Greenlee but I realize that one would have to watch the show and hear the name often to get used to it.  Dont know why I like it but I think its cute.  So anyways, I picked Aiden, and with that, that is how we came to be with Brent Aiden. 
  So the new place.  The new place has been working out really well for us.  Its a 4 bedroom, 1 bath house and it sits on 27 acres.  I am excited to have room for the nursery and excited that I am able to work on it.  Truman loves that he has so much land to do stuff (shoot for fun, shoot at coyotes, burn the trash, burn the weeds, and whatever else he may come upon that will preoccupy his time).  We are watching my aunts GIANT great dane for the year that we are there, until they buy a house in San Antonio.  And they have the barn cats that with ours equal to 9 cats.  ALL out side except for Jasmine.  And our dogs love it outside.  So much to search, smell and get into. 

  DOWNSIDE.  No internet.  Which sucks.  We are trying to get internet out there, and would do satellite but its not entirely reliable and it has bad reviews.    We shall see what we can do, until then, I am at the library or the workforce center on the occasion that I want to go into town.

So that is that, and if you want to call, give me a call on teh same old cell number that we have.  Email and FB might be a little sketchy as I dont check eeryday anymore.

love to all.

Truman, Vanessa and Brent

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