Monday, August 11, 2008


OK, I know people have been telling me to post more things, and update our lives on here. LOL. I have been so busy though, and finally I have some vacation time to do it. I have this week and I had last week off. Its been great. Truman had almost a week off as well and so we got to spend some time together and most importantly he got to play WOW (world of warcraft). He was introduced to this online computer game via some coworkers. Its an interesting game, but I have found that we are needing to get a new computer for myself, since we now have a computer hog. We still live at the same place, but we are semi looking for a bigger house. Just so that we can have extra rooms for the computers and a scrapbooking room for me.
I have finished reading Breaking Dawn (within the day that I got it) and I really enjoyed it. I can not wait for the movie in December.
I am a little tired right now, but I promise to update regularly...hopefully.

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