Friday, October 30, 2009

*Almost 5 months and counting

  Yes.  I am almost 5 months, I believe they count week 21 as 5 months, but I am a few days shy of it.  But I am almost!  Its been an amazing journey, this pregnancy.  Its been even better as nausea has subsided completly except for the times I gross myself brushing my teeth, or hearing something gross being said.  I still have that weak stomach, mhmm.   Truman and I have moved into our new little efficiency apartment, and it is looking cuter as we work more on it.  Truman has done an amazing job in putting this dilapidated apartment back together where it makes a cute little one bedroom home for us.  We still need to work on the stove, and on the toilet, but we are getting there and for the time being we walk a mere 8 feet to my dad's house and take showers there.  Hopefully in the next 2 weeks we will get everything done here that we need to. 

   Baby is moving everyday, and I think I can tell when he is she is sleeping and awake.  Its been sweet feeling that swishing inside me and knowing that baby is growing and getting ready to meet us soon.  It is also fun to watch Truman rub my belly and feel the baby move in response to him touching my belly.  It seems to only work with me or Truman, and even then, more Truman than me.  Baby usually moves for me when I think my little thoughts to it and when I have my little conversations with him or her.  Sleep has been even harder to come by as of late.  I can never seem to get comfortable, and my limbs fall asleep when I twist and turn and get them in a position that is comfy for the moment to sleep in.  And then the peeing.  Oye, the peeing.  I counted 6 times in 2 hours at one evening this last week.  But as much as I am uncomfortable, or tired, I am excited that I am growing a baby inside me.  Its a magical feeling that takes the negative of pregnancy right out.  I am counting down the days that when Truman, my mom and I will go into the ultrasound and be able to know and see what we are having.  I am going to ask Truman to give me a blessing on the day of the appointment for over all well being and for baby to cooperate with the ultrasound guy so that we can see what baby's secret is.  It will be fun to be able to finally know and to buy clothes and blankets and such  for a little girl, or a little boy. 
   Its been cold these last few days and its been wonderful.  I am not hot or irritated from the heat.  I have been able to wear, though stretched, some of my winter clothes.  Its been great being able to wear sweaters and pants.  I am excited for this baking weather.  I have my head full of recipes that include chicken pot pie, crock pot bar-b-que pork, chicken soup, taco soup, chili and cornbread, stews and much much more!  And then theres the baking!  I will be baking bananna bread ala nessa style *which just means more dark brown sugar than white, and tons of mashed nannas, but HOLDING the nuts*, blueberry oat muffins, assortment of cookies, honey wheat bread, rolls, day of the dead bread---not to celebrate the holiday but just because I love LOVE this bread with hot chocolate, muffins, and much much more.  I love fall for this reason.  I love to bake and have my house smelling like whatever I happen to be cooking that day.  And though I love candles year round, there is just something more homier about them when they are lit during the fall and when its cool outside.  Im also a love of getting up in the morning and swaddling myslef in my flannel robe and getting either some hot cocoa, or some hot chamomile or mint herbal tea.  This is espcially great that I get up anytime between 750-810 in the morning, and its a daily thing, and Truman isnt up so I have some time to myself to drink my hot tea and watch a little something.  And with this time change, I will be getting up 650-710 in the morning.  And I cant sleep longer, cause I its what time my body has been getting up for the last 3 months.  But it will be neat to be up earlier and be able to get ready and actually do things before noon...heh. 
   I have been reading more and more about the delivery part of the pregnancy, and well, at first it seemed daunting-as if I could skip that part, but as I read more and more and see videos on, or on baby story, or read about them in Ina May Gaskins books,  I feel more and more confident that my body will be able to do what it is supposed to do.  I have faith and strong desire, and an oomph to go head through the natural childbirth calmly and productively.  I say this because I am a big wuss.  BIG TIME.  And I know that at times with pain I have reacted irrationally and have been a big cry baby.  But I have a desire to act calmly and rationally.  And though I will be in pain, I want to psyche myself out that I will be calm and will be able to focus, even if I turn inward and bring all my strength to the top.  My biggest help in this will be that I want to do this for the baby, so that we can both be alert for the bonding and breastfeeding part, and the second will be that Truman will help me through this.
   Well I best be off.  I need to guzzle some water since I havent really drank any today, I did more juice than anything and well today was a bad day on the water. 
   Take care all, and talk to you later :)
A pregnancy question----
    What is a bedtime snack that you enjoy? Whether it be healthy or not, I want to hear!


Gretch said...

Hey there!
I always liked Popcorn or kettle corn. Popcorn has a good amount of fiber in it! That is good!! I also lied cereal, I tastey one is Reeses Puffs!

TGPalmer said...

I like peanut butter on Toast while I'm pregnant. But...the peanut butter HAS to melt into the toast! LOL the things that are "necessary" for pregnant women!!

Truman and Vanessa said...

lol... both are great ideas and already my mouth salivates just THINKING about these foods. Im just tired of the same ol' ones that I have been eating, so thanks for the tips!